Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oh, My Hero! Blog Hop

The Oh, My Hero! Blog Hop is being hosted by my awesomesauce friends and NA sisters Victoria Smith from Confessions of a Twenty Something Fiction Writer and Jaycee de Lorenzo! The idea is that writers get together and interview the male leads from their novels, WIPs, MSs, and so forth, choosing at least 5 questions to do so. My book is both a Work-In-Progress and a Manuscript. I’ve been working on the story since my Sophomore year of high school. (it’s hard to get it right, isn’t it?)

My yet unnamed novel is adventurous, a bit romantic and lots of fun. At least that’s what my writer’s ego tells me. Patrick is the name of the male lead in my book, and he has the pleasure (although he might argue on this point) of being my heroine’s love interest. My heroine does have a name, but I’m not releasing it just yet.
But soon, my friends.
Enjoy this interview with Patrick!

Name: Patrick
Age: About 25 (Nobody really knows for sure…)

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Only when it comes to sports cars. * pauses * There are…exceptions, though. Not that I’m naming names or anything. I’m just saying that there are some people who seem to spark your interest the first time you meet them. But again. I’m not naming names. I’m just saying…

How would you describe your heroine?

Incredibly stubborn. Extremely sarcastic. Possibly endowed with a death wish. My “heroine” is somewhat of an aberration of the entire female sex. I mean, have you met this girl? She’s crazy. Genuinely crazy. * shakes head and laughs * Maybe that’s why I find her so intriguing. There’s literally nothing she wouldn’t do to keep her family safe. I admire that. I really do.

How would you describe yourself in one word?

Just one? Are you serious? * rolls eyes * Fine…‘magnetic. Charming. Brilliant. Gorgeous. Amazing.’ I’m running out of single words. What? Don’t look at me like that. I may have to start a paragraph.

What’s your idea of a perfect date?

Swimming with the sharks. Chicks love that. * frowns * At least that’s what I assumed until I was about 18. Then I reassessed. Apparently women don’t like swimming in metal cages with a bunch of lethal sea creatures hovering nearby. I liked it, though. * looks up * Oh, right. The question. A perfect date? Dinner in a penthouse suite, a walk by the ocean, an opera. You know. Whatever she wants.

Are you a morning or a night person and why?

Night. I function best under the cover of darkness. It makes it harder for people to realize that I do, in fact, exist. Besides, nighttime is when all the fun happens, right? The movies, the theater, the restaurants on the tops of skyscrapers. In the city, everybody’s just getting up when the rest of the country is going to sleep. I’m definitely a nocturnal creature.

What is the first thing you notice about a woman that you find attractive?

Courage. Seriously! Courage, honesty. Wit. There’s a lot of things, but I like a brave girl. Somebody unafraid to take risks. My hero. * winks *


  1. OMG I love this dude! So masculine and confident. He's seriously a firecracker. When is this title being released???? Great job girl and thanks for joining the hop! NA Sisters rock :D

    1. I'm not sure, but I'm betting on sometime this year. *Patrick gives me death glare* Okay. Definitely this year. :P

  2. I think I'm in love!
    Please let me know when this book is out!!

  3. He forgot cocky in his one word description of himself. :)

    Love it!

  4. No love for your other NA sister who is hosting this event?

    :sad panda face:

    Anyway, Patrick sounds awesome! What a sexy hero! I'd go shark diving with him.

  5. Oh Patrick will you bed me - er - I mean go out with me?

    Great interview!

  6. Great interview. Nice to see a strong character grace the border between fantasy and reality! ;)

  7. Patrick sounds so fun! Love his answers!

  8. The photo distracted me quite a bit :) but I loved his super confident answers!

  9. Brave girls rock. I love Patrick. Nice job.

  10. Hellooooooo Patrick! I would like swimming with sharks. ;)

  11. Ohhh Patrick is all yummy and sexy! Thanks for sharing him :)

  12. Thanks for all the positive feedback, peeps!!! Patrick - er, I mean I - really appreciate it!!! :)

  13. Patrick sounds amazing! I can't wait to hear more about this book! :)

  14. He had me at 'Whatever she wants.' LOL Great interview! :D

  15. Ooooh, hes wild, adventurous and funny! Not to mention attractive :) Great interview!


  16. I love Patrick! His voice definitely shines through in this post. :D


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