Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to Submit Your Book for Review

There's been a rising increase of book review/feature requests on my blog lately, so I just wanted to set down a few pieces of advice before authors submit their books to me for review. 

  1. I can only review books that are available on Kindle or as a physical hard copy. It's too hard for me to read a dozen books on a computer screen, so no PDF files or Kindle Application copies, please! 
  2. When you pitch your novel to me, please make sure that the plot summary is no longer than two easy paragraphs. Think of it as a query: short, straightforward, and to-the-point. 
  3. I love doing interviews with authors. If you are up for an interview, tell me in your email! I love it when you ask. :)
  4. Sometimes I don't have time to read and review every book that is sent to me. In this case, I simply feature the book and include an interview. It's still fun for you - and me! 
  5. Lastly, I just ask that you begin your letters with Dear Summer or Dear Ms. Lane. Trust me when I say that opening a letter professionally and ending it professionally will not only up my positive impression of you, but it will also help you out with any business opportunity that you encounter in your life.
What Kind of Books do I Review?
I review both fiction and nonfiction. Here's what you can submit to me: 
  • YA Fiction/NonFiction (I love YA/NA Romance Stories!)
  • NA Fiction/NonFiction 
  • Historical Fiction 
  • Historical NonFiction 
  • Paranormal Romance (Preferably YA, but NA is awesome, too)
  • Biographies 
What Kind of Books do I NOT Review? 
Writing Belle is read by adults, teens and children. I try to keep a certain selection of writing showcased. Therefore, don't submit: 
  • Adult Romance, etc. 
  • Adult Fiction 
  • Political Books
As a side note, I have received submissions over the past year that pitched novels to me as YA, but were explicit in subject matter and were suited for upper adults. Please be honest about what's in your books when you're asking me to feature your book. Simply tag your novel appropriately: YA, NA, Adult, etc. I appreciate it so much.  

Voila! If you want to submit a book for review, want to swing by for an interview, or feel like asking for a feature spot on Writing Belle, simply contact me at the email listed below:

For more information on Writing Belle's Indie Monday features, click here. It's a great opportunity for self-pubbed authors to get the word out about their books!

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Get fictional - it's fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon!