Monday, April 14, 2014

Sign-Ups for State of Pursuit Release Day Tour!

In less than two months, State of Pursuit will be released to the world. I think this is the fastest book I have released yet - meaning, the writing, editing and creation was done a lot quicker than the previous books. Each book requires different elements, which requires a variety of research, which can, in turn, make the process of publishing the novel take longer. State of Pursuit will be available on June 6th, 2014, and I'm starting sign-ups for the release day tour today. All of the tour hosts can enter the giveaway, which will include some awesome swag that I'm gathering right now! To be a host, all you need is a blog, website or Facebook page! If you don't have a page, you can participate in the giveaway by tweeting, posting on Instagram or pinning on Pinterest. Use the Google form below to sign up. Thank you for all of your support! 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I love the cover! It seems like yesterday you released STATE OF REBELLION! CONGRATS! :) I'll be signing up for the tour!


Get fictional - it's fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon!