Mandy Eve-Barnett
About Mandy's Book:
Tansy and Crispin help all the forest animals, with their ailments or injuries, no matter how big or how small. The healing potions and practices they use were handed down generation to generation. Living in a home built within the roots of a magnificent oak tree, the two sprites and their animal helpers, remain hidden from human eyes.
Crispin wishes to find a long ago lost cave filled with ancient healing books and potion recipes. No matter where he travels in the forest he searches for it. Always hoping... Will he find it? What is the story behind the cave? When humans come into the forest - what happens?
Q&A with Mandy
Tell us about your book.
My parents encouraged
a love of nature and when I became a parent, I passed on the wonder to my
children. When my children were small, I made up several stories about magical
sprites helping their animal friends. It was a ‘one-off’ event, as I did not
write until decades later after immigrating to Canada. The characters have
always stayed with me and so I was determined to make their adventures into a
book. The two main characters are Crispin and Tansy, woodland sprites, who live
inside the roots of a great oak tree concealed by a magical spell to protect
them from human visitors to the forest. Their powers of healing were passed
down generation to generation and with a couple of favorite animal aides, they
travel the forest, riverbank and meadows to care for all the creatures that
live there.
Each chapter tells the
story of a particular animal and how the sprites help them but also tells the
sprites story.
I don't often feature children's books, but I
appreciate the art of storytelling that goes into creating one. What is your
favorite part about writing?
My favorite part is
creating the characters, their world and what happens to them. I have found
that all my stories center on love in all its forms and I want to show young
readers that love and kindness are important to everyone.
How long have you been writing - is this your
first published work?
I did not start
writing until I was in my late forties, although I have always been creative in
one form or another my whole life. My first published book was a picture book
called Rumble’s First Scare. It follows a young monster on his first All
Hallows Eve scaring trip.
Any upcoming projects?
Always! I am currently
editing two manuscripts, one a western romance called Willow Tree Tears and the
other a suspense/thriller, called The Giving Thief. I am also serializing a YA
horror story on my blog called Clickety Click and have recently envisioned
another children’s picture book about a bug. I also have two other manuscripts
on the back burner awaiting editing. A speculative fiction called Life in Slake
Patch and the other is a romance with a reincarnation twist called The Twesome
Loop. So yes I always have upcoming projects to keep me busy.
Where can readers connect with you online?
I am on Twitter
Facebook page
About Mandy
Mandy currently lives in Alberta, Canada but is originally from England. Her background is diverse and gives her rich experience to utilize in her writing. She has traveled throughout Europe, parts of America and Canada and was born in Africa.
Mandy is passionate about writing to the point of obsession and she succeeded in becoming a published author in record time. She also holds the position of Secretary for her local writing group, Writers Foundation of Strathcona County.
Writing in various genres, Mandy has published several books, a well as co-wrote a workbook and had short stories published in anthologies. Mandy's presence can be found on numerous web sites as well as on her own blog where she communicates her writing journey as author, supporter of other writers and freelancer.
Kathy Lane
About Kathy's Book:
A cow named Millie finds out the hard way what happens when she thinks of only herself.
A rhyming story that children and adults will find both funny and entertaining.
"Charmingly illustrated."
Kathy Lane is the author of Millie Minds Her Manners, a children's book for children ages 4-6. Kathy has written many stories, but this is her debut picture book. She loves writing simple yet memorable tales that will become childhood favorites.
Kathy has been a preschool teacher and has taught children for more than twenty-five years. In her spare time, she writes pictures books, takes long walks, writes poetry, does container gardening and of course writes more stories!
She lives in Farm Country, the Great Central Valley of California. She is inspired by the beautiful countryside, trips to the Pacific Coast, and to the spectacular Sierra Nevada Mountains. If you ever meet Kathy, she will tell you she loves her hometown, and is grateful to be there. Visit her official website to learn more about her, or follow her on Twitter @KathyEllenLane!
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