Author: Richard F. Holmes
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This is an extraordinary book that tells the
story of the author's journey from a place of darkness to one of light. You will experience a roller coaster ride of
extreme highs and lows as he takes your hand and leads you on a guided tour
into the depths of depression, which he lived with for at least 28 years. Whilst there you will feel his pain, you will
be impressed by his brutal honesty and you will laugh… a lot! You will then rise with him and ascend; out
of the darkness and into the love.
This is not just another run-of-the-mill book on
the paranormal; it is also an essential guide for daily living. Author Richard F Holmes bares his soul as he
gives the reader an insight into a medium's work and life on the road, and his between
200 and 300 out-of-body experiences and how he has experienced different realms
of existence and interacted with discarnate souls. Incredibly, he then explains how it all pales
into insignificance as life starts to reveal its true meaning.
"As I take the reader through each stage of
my journey from childhood to present day, I have tried to write from the
perspective of the mind-set and understanding that I had at the time. The idea is that the reader evolves with the
writer through mutual experience. Although I have refrained from using bad
language, the language I have used reflects who I am; after all, you can take
the boy out of North London, but you can never take North London out of the
The beauty of this book however, is the central
message that the author conveys via his writing. In life you do not have to be a victim. Each and every one of us is powerful beyond
our imagination. It is only the thought
that we are not that makes us victims.
Eyesight To The Blind is an exciting and powerful book that really needs
to be read from cover to cover, it combines the paranormal with spirituality,
but it is also a practical guide for daily living.
Excerpt from the Novel, Courtesy of Richard F. Holmes:
A whole new world opened up for me. I found very quickly that simply by
“thinking” myself in a particular direction I would start travelling in that
direction. I also learned very quickly
to be able to pass through solid objects.
Astral energy has a much finer vibration than matter; that's why we
can't normally see it, but all energy appears solid in its own relevant plane
of existence.
In the early days I always kept my eyes
closed until I got to my destination, because I found that if I opened them en-route
it put a dampener on things and I ended up straight back in my body. Eventually, I was able to open my eyes during
the outbound journey, enabling me to view the surroundings and my companion. However, not all journeys have been smooth
and I've only on very rare occasions had the same companion twice. On one occasion I had a soul whom I nicknamed
"Einstein", because he resembled that great man of science with his
crazy, wild hair. It was so
uncomfortable for me that I got quite angry and demanded that I return
immediately to my body. I did go
straight back in my body, but not before acquiring an astral bruise. As incredible as it seems, that is exactly
what happened. Einstein was so clumsy,
he actually bruised me, and I felt it within my being for a couple of days
afterwards. It remains the only time
that this has ever happened to me.
Incredibly, on some occasions it got so
boring that I questioned the relevance of the experience. On one such occasion I learned that all I
needed to do was think myself back into my body, and I would be back in the
blink of an eye. There has only been one
time when I seemed to be stuck and contemplated the thought that I might
possibly have "died". I ended up outside what looked like a very
small version of one of those open-planned newsagents that you get in
airports. There was no soul anywhere to
be seen except me. I seem to remember
looking to try to fathom out what was going on in the "astral
news". All I could see was blank
placards and I remember thinking that I was wasting my time. I "thought" myself back into my
body but nothing happened! I did it a
few more times and still nothing happened.
Eventually, I started to make a very slow journey back to my body; it
seemed to take an age but I got there in the end.
In the early days things were shown to me
that indicated that these experiences can be used to show you scenes from
previous lives. In my case I was shown
things that I understand to be from my two previous lives; but I have no way of
proving this.
I don't know why these events happened the
way they did, and I also don't know why I always had a companion and how our
destination was decided. It was also
several years before I wondered what the point of it all was. But later I will give an insight into the
greater understanding of astral travel that I have these days. I will also mention here that in my own
personal experience, when I am out of my body I have no concept of the physical
life. What I do have though, is a
knowing sense of having unfinished business here in my physical form and an
understanding that my body is somehow being held in suspended animation until I
return to it.
This is how I was able to
rationalize that I may in fact have "died", on the occasion when it
took a while to return. After having
several of these experiences I decided that I would keep a record. This I did, but for reasons that I still do
not know, I randomly decided one day that I didn't need to keep such records
and destroyed my journal.
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About the Author
A Londoner by birth, Richard now lives in
the South West of England. He has written 13 books in the spiritual/self-help
genre and also produced eight CDs; five of meditation and three of mantra
chanting. However, he has removed most of his prior work from circulation as he
feels that it no longer represents who he is today. As well as being a writer,
Richard works in a hospice. He is also an artist when he gets the inspiration,
and he worked as a medium for 17 years, giving public demonstrations of mediumship.
Since the so-called “shift” at the end of
2012, Richard has had what he describes as, “a series of eureka moments”, where
life has started to reveal its true meaning. As a result, he saw the futility
of continuing his work as a medium and finally gave it up early in 2018 in
order to concentrate on his day job.
Richard’s influences are, Ramana Maharshi,
Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle, Paramahansa Yogananda, Osho and Rupert
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