Cassidy Hart, All Rights Reserved
I've discussed this a little on a few of my social media platforms in the weeks leading up to this post, but I thought I should drop some information about the Vengeful Dawn pre-order here today.
Timeline on the Process
Currently, I am in the last couple of chapters of Resurrection #6. After I have finished working on the final chapters, I will iron out a few plot elements (which will really only take 1-2 days). At that point, this novel will go to editing. Typically, editing only takes a few weeks. I actually edit the book as I'm writing these days, so by the time it goes into "official" editing, it's already pretty clean.
After the novel makes it through the editorial rounds with my crew, it will be sent to formatting. At the point where the final edits are done, there will be a live pre-order link that I will share here, in my newsletter, and on my social media platforms. At that point, the official cover and synopsis will also be released.
Future of Cassidy Hart
I've discussed this pretty in-depth elsewhere, but the short version is this: I've had so much feedback from readers asking me NOT to permanently end Cassidy's story that I have chosen to go with the will of the people! While Vengeful Dawn will definitely be the end of the Resurrection Series, Cassidy's story will eventually continue in a series of political thrillers - and that's all I can tell you about that so far without spoiling the ending of VD!
After Vengeful Dawn
I am extremely busy these days. I'm always working several jobs - plus, I'm still going to school myself - so the timeline on the next Cassidy Hart novels are fuzzy. When it comes to Cassidy's continuing story, I won't be announcing anything until I've got the first novel finished. In the meantime, I will be prioritizing the release of Expedition 99. You may remember that I shelved the release of this dystopian adventure novel in the Spring so that I could focus on getting Vengeful Dawn done. Well, once VD is done, Expedition 99 will be the next priority.
Other Work
You can catch me jumping around the web these days on several different social media platforms. The usual are:
Twitter: @SummerEllenLane
Facebook: Summer Lane Author
GETTR: @summerellenlane
Instagram: @writingbelle
I'm also writing weekly articles/breaking news for the amazing RSBNetwork. I just joined their writing team, and I'm very excited to be there! You can check out my work there by clicking on the link above, or by downloading the app.
I currently write periodic columns in different magazines and newspapers around the CA area, as well. When those are available digitally, I usually share them on my social media pages. I have a new column upcoming in The Kingsburg Times that will focus on tying American history to the events of today. I can't wait to share that with you, too!
And of course, I also write my local commentaries here at Writing Belle. These are special, because they are published on a weekly basis, and I often tackle some pretty intense subjects!
Thanks for reading, and I am looking forward to giving you the final Resurrection installment VERY soon!
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Get fictional - it's fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon!