Thursday, August 16, 2012

Polyvore Creations (I'm in Love)

Have you ever heard of a website called Polyvore? I hadn't. That is, until my friend Victoria Smith from Confessions of a Twenty Something Fiction Writer mentioned it on her blog and all of the sudden, BAM, I was in love. I thought I'd share two of the little creations I made for two fictional characters of mine. I kept things simple: clothes and accessories on plain white. And in case you didn't notice, I love elegant style. :) 


Willow by writingwoman featuring wool coats



Rose by writingwoman featuring a striped sweater



  1. Haha! You're addicted too let the absence of writing because we're on Polyvore commence! Tehe. Love your characters style ;D And thanks for the shoutout, sista!

  2. Lol, once I got on I couldn't stop. It was late, I was sleepy, but I fought on.......haha, it's just too much fun!

  3. I've been on Polyvore, but never thought of using it to dress my characters! Just found my new excuse not to do dishes. :)


Get fictional - it's fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon!