Chris Weigand wrote The Palace of the Twelve Pillars, a young adult Christian fantasy novel. Christian fiction is an entirely new category for me, as I've only ever read one Christian fiction novel in my life, outside of a few children's series. (Funny, I know, but my literary diet growing up was strictly the classics. I had about seven copies of Robinson Crusoe in my room.) I was curious as to what Chris's inspiration for writing her stories came from, so she's here today to talk about her writing.
Where do you go for
First I try my other brain, Darlene. When that isn’t
possible then I look to my kids and especially my oldest granddaughter Andi.
She has the most vivid imagination for a 9 year-old, and can always pull me out
of a blocked story.
How do you ‘get into
character’? Are their certain characters
you find it harder to right than others?
When I first started writing I didn’t think I did that very
well. I thought other writers were crazy when they said their characters were
telling them what to do. When I began writing the second book in the trilogy I
knew how the book needed to start and thought I knew the ending and even wrote
an outline to fill in the middle. That’s when my characters staged a revolt
right at the beginning of another November NANO. The second week in and they
wouldn’t let me write anything that was on the outline. When I finally put the
outline away at the end of the week, they took over. My hardest character at least in this book
has been Prince/King Brandan. So much happens to both of the princes, but
Brandan is in territory that I haven’t lived. Trying to keep him evil and yet
still have a nugget of love and compassion for his brother has been a hard
balance to maintain. Things happen to him in the third book that he really
fought me on. One chapter near the end was particularly hard to decide how
things would play out.
Describe one of your
favorite characters and tell us who you patterned them after and why.
It’s a toss-up between Brandan and Joachim. If I really
think about it I patterned them after my sister and I. Joachim is more like me
while Brandan is more like Cheryl. Not that Cheryl was evil, but she was always
moving, taking chances, putting herself out there. I on the other hand am more
cautious, less willing to put myself out there and risk getting hurt. I try and
choose the safe path, she always chose the road less traveled.
Tell us about your
current WIP.
As of this moment in time I have no new projects that I’m
working on because I have been getting the Palace of the Twelve Pillar Trilogy
ready for publishing. I do have two or three projects sitting on a back burner
just waiting for me to come up for air. I’m really excited about them. Two of
them will be a continuation of the story
of the dragons that are introduced in the trilogy. The dragons come to earth
and help to birth Christianity. It has been fun researching the early years of
Christianity and I can’t wait to really dig into the project. There are also a
few characters in the trilogy that make a little noise about wanting their
story to be continued, but I’ve convinced them to wait a little while and let
the dust settle. For the near present they have been agreeable, but I’m sure it
won’t last forever.
What can readers expect from you in the future?
Palace of Three Crosses the second book in the Palace of the
Twelve Pillars trilogy will be released in September 2013. Just recently I
received edits for Sanctuary of Nine
Dragons the third book in the trilogy will be released February 2014. Then
after that I will have to see what God has in store for me. When God and the
characters take over the story. It’s almost like an Elvis has left the building
kind of thing. God and the characters tell the story and I become the conduit
that brings them to life. That hasn’t happened in a while because of the prep
of getting three books to publication. But I am looking forward to the day when
the new characters rattling around in my head find their way to the forefront
and can tell their stories.
Before I leave Brandan and Joachim wanted to say hi and
introduce themselves:
Let’s start off with
you telling us a little about yourself?
Brandan here: Not sure what you want to know, that isn’t
already obvious. I am Prince Brandan son of Theodric and Lilia and I have a
twin brother Joachim. He’ll introduce himself in a minute if he can get his
nose out of his books. Yeah he may have been born first and father likes him
better, but no matter I can do things without them.
Joachim here: Don’t listen to him. He’s just upset because
his spell casting isn’t working out so well. Father loves each of us equally;
you just tend to be a little more difficult and disagreeable with Father and
That’s enough. You two survived the first book, but if you
don’t get along better you may not survive the second. I hear there are going
to be some coronations and a few weddings for starters. But there is still a
mess to clean up at the Palace of the Three Crosses. I certainly hope you two
are up for the challenge.
Brandan: Well I don’t know about Joachim, but I certainly
am. Bring it on.
Joachim: Yes I am ready also. The time has come to clean up
the mess left by the war and set our lives in order. As Brandan said, “Bring it
Palace of the Twelve Pillars Synopsis
The Peace Summit was in shambles, the prince kidnapped.
When the rival king realizes he kidnapped the wrong prince, hostilities escalate. Loyalties to each other and country are tested for the twin princes of Crato, Joachim and Brandan.
Joachim, captive of King Waldrom, faces deception and betrayal as he struggles to find his way home. Brandan, at home with a father focused on rescuing Joachim, wrestles with his own demons as he searches for his place in the world and the favor of his father.
Torn from the safety and peace of their childhood, they are thrust into a world where bonds of family, brotherhood and roles as heirs to Crato are tested. Through war, spiritual journeys, death and marriage, will they choose the path of good or evil? Who can be trusted, as the world they know slips into a whirlpool of chaos?
When the rival king realizes he kidnapped the wrong prince, hostilities escalate. Loyalties to each other and country are tested for the twin princes of Crato, Joachim and Brandan.
Joachim, captive of King Waldrom, faces deception and betrayal as he struggles to find his way home. Brandan, at home with a father focused on rescuing Joachim, wrestles with his own demons as he searches for his place in the world and the favor of his father.
Torn from the safety and peace of their childhood, they are thrust into a world where bonds of family, brotherhood and roles as heirs to Crato are tested. Through war, spiritual journeys, death and marriage, will they choose the path of good or evil? Who can be trusted, as the world they know slips into a whirlpool of chaos?
About the Author
Christina Weigand’s a writer, wife, and mother of three
grown children and a middle school daughter. She is also Nana to three
granddaughters. She lives with her husband and youngest daughter in Pennsylvania,
returning there after a short sabbatical in Washington. Currently, she’s
working on fantasy novels and inspirational writing. Through her writing, she
strives to share the Word of God and help people young and old to realize the
love and mercy He has for everyone.
When she’s not writing, she’s active in her local Church as
a lector, Bible Study, or with the church theater group, volunteering at her
daughter and granddaughter’s school in the library as well as helping the
children develop a love for reading and writing. Jesus fills her home with love
as she shares Him through her writing.
Author Links
Muse it Up Publishing | Kindle | B&N | Kobo
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