Title: Sins of the Father
Author: Thelonious Legend
Release: Available Now!
You've been gifted with extraordinary powers. Powers that are slowly killing you. What should you do? For the Parker Sisters that is not a rhetorical question. And the clock is ticking.
Title: Childish Things
Author: Thelonious Legend
Release: Available Now!
The Parker Sisters' powers are no longer killing them. But someone still wants to know what makes them so "special". Someone who has enlisted "special" help. Let the games begin.
Get both books HERE!
About the Author
Thelonious Legend is a software professional who writes stories of triumph and intrigue. He has a fondness of reading the classics most notably Toni Morrison and John Steinbeck. He also spends an inordinate amount of time cheering his daughters during their myriad of activities and drinking coffee. His other activities include watching football and MMA, rock climbing, fishing, and drinking wine. Nuff said!
Nice stories.