Monday, March 19, 2018


Fans of Sincerely, Carter by Whitney G. and  Wish You Were Mine by Tara Sivec will fall in love with the flawed characters in this sweet new adult contemporary romance series.

Love's a risky game, especially when you're the prize...
Bobby Beckerson is the American All-Star hockey player—he’s the spitting image of perfection to his family. Goofy, sweet and undeniably gorgeous, he has everything but the one girl he wants: River Ahlers.

River Ahlers is successful in everything but love. She's been in love with Adam Beckerson since they were kids. Worst of all she's stuck right in the middle of the brothers dueling over everything and anything, and she doesn't even know she's the ultimate prize.
Adam Beckerson is a boy with a guitar, a smile that sinks girls' hearts and a stone wall around his own. He’s anything but perfect, and no matter how hard he tries he’s nothing compared to Bobby. Sweet, damaged, with boyish good-looks, nobody thinks Adam loves anyone but himself.

Bobby loves River, River loves Adam and Adam only loves himself--or so everyone thinks. Then one night everything changes, and as it threatens to destroy everyone involved a tragedy strikes that will break them all.


Sometimes when you lose everything, you lose yourself...
That’s all it takes to have everything ripped away from you.
 No one knows this better than Adam Beckerson and River Ahlers.

Each is fighting a losing battle with the death of Bobby and the fall out it causes. Adam loses a brother; River her best friend.

And while Adam finds himself fading into the bottom of a bottle, River finds the only thing she can do is run away from everything-- including Adam.
Sometimes when you lose everything, you lose yourself. The important part is finding your way back again.

EBOOK - $1.99 / PAPERBACK - $13.99

Amazon ~ iTunesKobo ~ Google Play ~ Barnes & Noble

In one another they can find perfection, if only they are willing to reshape their shattered dreams into new, better ones.

River Ahlers is damaged goods. On the surface she's a driven businesswoman, leading a new division of the marketing firm she works for. But she knows better than anyone that being driven also tends to drive people away. At twenty-eight she's made some of the toughest decisions of her life by burying the reason she's damaged deep inside her. That is until she walks into a tattoo parlor and falls into the arms of someone else just as broken.

West Brighton is bad news. He's a tattooed rebel with more money than he needs, and so many scars on his heart, he's sure there's no way to let someone in. Until River, but she's still stuck on her ex and his friend -- Adam Beckerson.

Adam Beckerson is a changed man. He's made a successful career for himself and his best friend, Tara, hasn't left his side. She gets him-- the real him that he's never shown anyone, but there's still something missing.

Each one of them is beautifully flawed and in one another they can find perfection, if only they are willing to reshape their shattered dreams into new, better ones.

EBOOK - $2.99 / PAPERBACK - $9.99

Amazon ~ iTunesKobo ~ Google Play ~ Barnes & Noble

About the Author 

 Cassandra doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character’s stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams, and they live in the rolling hills of New England with their daughter, Hope and their dogs, Bubski and Kanga. For regular updates visit Cassandra’s website and sign up for her newsletter.

Cassandra can be found on:
Goodreads | 
Instagram / Twitter: @cgiovanniauthor

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