Monday, February 4, 2019

Romance is in the Air: Welcome, February!

Here comes February, which means the first 31 days of 2019 are behind us. I have been struck with the passage of time, unaware that it was February until I looked at the calendar this morning (oops). 

To me, February is the perfect month to read some lighthearted romance (or some tragic romance stories, if that's your thing). This month, I'll be featuring some of my favorite romance novels/stories and authors in honor of Valentine's Day. It seems as if Valentine's creeps up on me every year - I'm never ready for it, having just recovered from the Christmas rush (my Christmas cards are still hanging on the wall, guys). This year, I was blessed enough to finally give birth to my first baby, Lacey Esther, on January 20th! It was an incredible experience to bring our beautiful little girl into the world, and the past two weeks have been a whirlwind of newborn love, cuddles, and sleep deprivation. It's been such a blessing to become a mother, and perhaps my favorite part of motherhood is watching my husband become a father. Is there anything more wonderful than entering parenthood with a partner whom you love with your whole heart? 

I'm entering 2019 tired but excited. Sleep-deprived but loved. I'm currently working on a romance novel and the next book in the Resurrection Series. It's a process, juggling a vocal newborn and two manuscripts, but I'm determined! You can expect more content from me as the weeks move forward, and I'll keep you posted on my upcoming novels here on Writing Belle, as well as on Instagram and Twitter! 


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